What do you need to practice yoga at home?
What do you need to practice yoga at home? Find out about the equipment and techniques you’ll need to do yoga at home.
April 6, 2021What do you need to practice yoga at home? Find out about the equipment and techniques you’ll need to do yoga at home.
April 6, 2021What is energy healing & how can it help you? Find out more about energy healing, including what to expect during energy healing sessions.
April 6, 2021Are you looking for the best ways to pacify and balance the Vata dosha? If so, keep reading for all the best tips and advice.
March 25, 2021Have you been wondering, ‘what does elevated Kapha feel like?’ – if so, this blog post should give you all the answers and things to look out for.
March 25, 2021What is a Sattvic diet? If you want to know more about the Sattvic diet and what you can and can’t eat, read more here.
March 25, 2021What are the health benefits of eating Ghee as part of your Ayurvedic diet? Find out everything you need to know here…
March 25, 2021Are you looking for the best foods for Kapha dosha? If so, this useful list of food for Kaphas will be a useful guideline!
March 25, 2021Are you wondering how to strengthen your Agni? If so, this article should give you all the tips and advice you need to strengthen your Agni.
March 25, 2021Are you looking for the perfect yoga gifts for friends or family? There are 15 amazing yoga gifts in my ultimate gift guide!
March 4, 2021Are you wondering what happens when you stop taking probiotics? It’s a question many of us have. If so – keep reading!
March 4, 2021Wondering how to use witch hazel for your hair? Hopefully, we’ll help you understand the benefits of using witch hazel for your hair!
March 4, 2021Can yoga help induce labor? Yoga is such a powerful tool, and hopefully we can answer all your questions here…
March 4, 2021What are the 5 Tibetan Rites? They are some of the oldest exercises known to man… To learn more about them, keep reading.
March 4, 2021What is Dinacharya? If you’ve wanted to know more about Dinacharya, then you’ll find the answers in this blog post.
March 4, 2021